Heartstrings, Inc.

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support Interest Form

About The Support Groups
Heartstrings provides valuable peer-based support groups for anyone who has experienced the loss of a baby(ies), from conception to one year of age. Our Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support Groups provide parents the opportunity to meet other bereaved parents, receive specific grief education and tell their story, as they honor the memory of their baby(ies).
Our Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support Groups are held in Greensboro, Winston-Salem, High Point and Kernersville. Unique to Heartstrings, each of our support groups are facilitated by a licensed clinician and co-facilitated by a bereaved parent who has been trained in The Heartstrings Method©.
Our 8-session support groups span a 12-week period and are led by a licensed clinician and a bereaved parent, who is at least one year from his/her own loss. Both facilitators are trained in The Heartstrings Method and our specific curriculum. Groups are small, usually 12 participants, which allows for necessary connection, support and trust to form among the parents. Our peer based support group follows a curriculum that focuses on grief education, self-care, sharing stories of loss, exploring ways to remember, unique features of grief and healing for men and women, and how to navigate ongoing healing.
Our Connections Program offers one-to-one peer support to newly bereaved parents. Through Connections, newly bereaved parents are carefully matched with a Connections Support Parent who has previously experienced a similar loss. Support Parents are grieving parents who are at least one year out from their own loss, and have completed our comprehensive Connections Support Parent Training. Connections matches are set up for a 3-month period and parents can be in contact with their Connections Support Parent by phone, in-person and via email. The benefit of having another parent to talk with who understands the unique experience of pregnancy and infant loss is significant. There is no cost for any our programs.